Daily Archives: June 11, 2014

The Miracle

Quick post here! Long time ago, I would guess in 1800’s but could be wrong, anyway, long time ago a miracle was attributed to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. A statue of her in Palmi, Italy was having odd eye movements and color changes to its face. This happened for 17 days. Eventually the city organized a procession, carrying the statue through the streets.

20140611-085355.jpg suddenly, there was a giant earthquake, causing MASSIVE damage. Most of the buildings were flattened. There weren’t many deaths though, and this was believed to be because everyone was out in the procession in the street, rather than indoors. Every year they hold a festival in commemoration of this event. I think I’d like to go sometime! Check where Palmi is!

20140611-085742.jpg and they redo the parade, and there’s food, music, and fun. Oh, and Palmi is gorgeous! More later! Be sure to start up the consecration on Friday! Share your thoughts on here! I’ll check in Saturday or Sunday with some of my thoughts!